Stainless steel, non-stick, cast iron? Small pan, large pan? Magic happens when you wake up to freshly cooked bacon and eggs. Having to wash a pile of pots and pans after breakfast – not so much. Any one-pan recipe is worth its weight in gold. So, what is the secret? […]
How to cater
What is the best way to cook bacon for small to large groups?
My childhood was a complicated mess, but one clear memory I have as a child is of my Grandpa sending me off to the butcher’s to fetch bacon and sausage for breakfast. What would follow was a feast that can never be described – perfectly cooked bacon, sizzling sausages, warm […]
Cooking bacon for a group? How much bacon should you prepare?
Bacon has an almost mystical allure for people. The smell of bacon frying is usually enough to start stomachs rumbling, and it is oh-easy to simply grab a hot rasher while you walk past the stove. This tendency to sneak in a bite here and there does make it hard […]
How to Serve Enough Meatballs? Cooking for a crowd (50)
Discover the perfect serving size for meatballs and how to calculate how to serve enough meatballs for your next event – Whaley Cooks.