Books are like old friends – they are happy just to hang around until you are ready for them. They will not judge you, nor will they abandon you suddenly, they are silent witnesses to our growth over the years. Some books exist just to make us think, others to make us laugh, others yet to let us cry and some are just there to inspire you.
Cookbooks are the most exalted books of all. Every great function, every life milestone is celebrated or punctuated by a special meal. Brides will agonize over the perfect menu, business is won or lost over the perfect steak… yes cookbooks are special amongst books.
We try to collect cookbooks from every country we visit, a visual and tactile reminder of a trip, a holiday, a time away from our home. Our criteria are first and foremost that these are authentic and recommended by our local hosts.
The list below is a shortlist of the books have come home with us and live on our shelves. For ease of reference, a link is provided to an online store.

Argentine Barbeque School – “The Book” by Carlos Lopez.
What else can we say? Travel to Argentina, discover beef as it was meant to be barbequed.. you will never treat your own meat with disregard again. There is a simplicity n making great meat shine and often, less is more, an approach well learnt in Argentina.